

Gypsy Gems,

I had an incredible gifting encounter this evening that I am so excited to tell you about. 

I gifted "Fleur-de-Lis", a gypsy jewel with orange, black and white feathers and gem infested fleur-de-lis charm. The jewel found its way into the hands of a beautiful Nova Scotia Native, Danna.

So how did the gem get into the hands of this Nova Scotian? Funny you should ask... 

My lovely lady friend, Diana, was stopped on the streets of Halifax and commended for her street style by being featured in the blog youlookfiiine.com. Shortly after my friend Matt, was also featured. After seeing my friends featured - I was hooked. I am now an avid follower of the blog.

So where does Danna come into play...? Danna is the beautiful face behind the blog. 

I contacted Danna (whom I have never met) this week to see if she would be willing to participate in the project. We instantly had a connection. I was overwhelmed with her enthusiasm and support and excited that she didn't think I was bizarre (like so many other strangers I have encountered for the purposes of this project). We chatted on a cold fall Halifax street about travel, fashion and blogs. 

Danna, girl. You are a gem. I can't wait to see the photos you come up with.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen


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