
..Gifting encounter in Montreal..

Gypsy Gems,

I am currently in Michigan (USA) for business - I am really hoping I will find some opportunity to meet a sweet gem to gift my earrings to. It maybe a challenge, as I am working long days and nights and even the weekend. This isn't really one of those luxurious travel jobs. I am sure you are wondering what kind of day job I have... I would prefer to keep you all guessing.

Let's all rewind for a few. As I am sure you remember, I was in Montreal, Quebec two weeks ago. That was not for business, but rather for pleasure. I had great luck and gifted 3 gypsy jewels. Let me tell you about one of my encounters.

I was shopping at Urban Outfitters (love!) and I spotted a beautiful lady with absolutely perfect hair. She was sporting a black leather back pack with gold hardware. I tapped her on the shoulder and told her how much I admire her bag. She was responsive and so sweet. I thought, "perfect reaction and perfect timing" - I introduced my social experiment and presented her with the jewel "Lucky Number". The earring had blue, orange and black and white polka-dot feathers with a interesting wooden charm with the number "48" painted in orange. She received the gift well.

I didn't catch this gem's name, but to the beauty with the rocking hair and the amazing bag - I hope that I made a moment for you. Perhaps you'll find the time to make a moment for all us gems by capturing "Lucky Number" and the essence of Montreal.

Until Next Time,

 Much Love.
 <3 Your GypsyQueen




..Sarai..TwentyFive..UNICEF NZ Online Marketing Assistant.. Wellington, New Zealand..



..Bon Karma..

Montreal, Canada

This sign spoke to me "Good Karma, Anything Helps" - I gave the guy some change and asked if I could take a picture of his sign. He gathered his dogs and suggested I take a picture of them all. Beautiful.



..Recap of Montreal..

Gypsy Gems,

I am back from Montreal. The journey home was a treacherous - but I made it back in one piece. Driving home from Montreal was a struggle, my friends and I got stuck in a snow storm and had to crash at a motel... get this, the motel was called "HappyClubMotel". We really had no other choice, we were not willing to drive a mile further, the roads were just too bad. When we checked in to the motel the lovely receptionist gave us a discount, "in case we return", and told us that that the staff were "happy people".

Overall Montreal was a success, I gifted a few gypsy Jewels, enjoyed lovely cuisine, bought way too many fashionable goodies, saw an old friend from university and saw Jay-Z and Kanye West in concert.

The concert did not disappoint. It was simply epic. See the video below for clips from the show.

Another highlight (besides gifting gypsy jewels) was having dinner in the dark at O.Noir. Yes, you read that correctly - in. the. dark.. O.Noir is a unique sensual dining experience enjoying delicious food, drink and conversation in an environment were remaining senses are heightened. Servers are visually impaired (a population that generally experiences 70% unemployment rate) and a portion of proceeds are donated to support local associations that serve the visually impaired.

Montreal was a success. Now its time for laundry and re-packing for Michigan.

Much Love.

Until Next Time,

<3 Your GypsyQueen


Good Morning Gypsy Gems and Good Morning Montreal,

It's cold and crispy outside, but I'm in the cultural capital of Canada and I am so excited to explore.

I arrived late last night with two of my lovely lady friends. It wasn't an easy drive and we had a few  detours. Our not-so-trusty GPS tried to route us through the states. When we all recieved text messages from our service provides welcoming us to the United States - we knew we had to turn around. So we did.

We made it to Quebec City for dinner, and Montreal for a late night snack at Nickels Bar and Grill - created and owned by our very own Canadian Diva, Celine Dion. We drove around Montreal for about an hour - lost. But we finally made it to our hotel which is luckily in the heart of downtown.

So why am I in Montreal? Vacation, a break from reality, and to attend the JayZ & Kanye West Concert. Now, I have indicated in one of my previous posts that I don't usually share my taste in music - but I am not shy to say that I am unbelievable excited for the concert. Two of the biggest (male) diva's of our time, sharing one stage. I expect nothing less than epic.

Okay, I am off to explore - and hopefully gift some of my gypsy jewels.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen




..Paige.. Eighteen..Business Student.. Moncton, New Brunwsick..



..Gypsy Tear..

..Jess..TwentyFour..Kinesiolgist/Student..Brackley, Prince Edward Island..




..Gifting Encounter at House Show..

Gypsy Gems,

Yes folks, you read that correctly. I said "house show". Lately there have been a ton of house parties around town, that debut live music in the courtesy of the resident's living room.

I was invited to one on Friday evening - and I absolutely could not turn down this invite. I put on my leather pants, rounded up a few friends and we headed to a house, not far from my apartment.

We walked into a crowded home that reeked of sweat and booze. Surprisingly I was quickly immune to that smell - and I was able to enjoy the heavy music. Even though punk rock isn't really my scene; there is something about live music that makes me appreciate all kinds of music. When I can see and taste the soul right in front of me, it’s hard for me not to appreciate it.

Okay, so now that I have set the tone for the evening, I will get to the juicy, my gifting encounter. Usually my stories are of encounters where people are gracious, and welcoming. Well this one doesn't exactly align with those stories.

I approached a beautiful girl, with interesting style. She had thick rimmed glasses, stretched ears, dark hair and fair skin. I explained my social experiment to her and gifted her "Planet Organic" - one of my favourite earrings (am I aloud to have favourites?!). Planet Organic has 3 feathers - one long orange feather, two brown and white striped feathers and a black and white polka dot feather with a long gold chain and beautiful flower charm.

She seemed a bit awkward, perhaps she didn't know how to receive a random act of kindness. Perhaps I made her uncomfortable. I asked if I should continue on my way, or if she didn't want to receive the gift. She responded with "I probably won't wear the earring, but thank you", and took the earring, anyway.

I don't know if I created a moment for this beauty - but I do know that she needed "a moment". Those who don't know how to receive a gift, are those who are in need of a gift the most.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen



..Winter Solstice..

..Sarah..TwentySix..Registered Nurse & Independent Arbonne Consultant..Irishtown, New Brunswick..

Interested in Arbonne cosmetics? Contact Sarah at sm.westfield@gmail.com


..Rain Day..

Gypsy Gems,

I had the best rain day, yesterday. It was cold. It was wet. But it was absolutely beautiful.

I gifted my lovely friend, Sarah, the Gypsy Jewel "Winter Solstice". It was rainy, and quite dreary yesterday, however we made the absolute best of the day that was given to us. We put on our rubber boots and rain coats, grabbed an umbrella and headed to Irishtown Nature Park for a GKP photoshoot.

Sarah and I had a fantastic GKP photo shoot. I am not photographer, and the camera I use isn't the best, but it isn't about those things. Its about creating a moment, and I think Sarah and I were able to create many moments. You can see for yourself, I'll post the beautiful images shortly.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen

PS. I leave you with a quick snip-it of Sarah enjoying a beautiful wet fall day. xo



..I love me some Brie..

Gypsy Gems,

I am just sitting here in my apartment, unwinding from a long long long day. I am listening to some music I would love to share. I am loving the following video of Brie Neilson.

Brie, a Vancouver native currently residing in Montreal, is a beautiful soul and talented artist. Brie is a stunning singer/songwriter, a musical teacher and creates beautiful paintings.

Brie and I met earlier this year when she was on tour. I contacted and gifted Brie the gypsy jewel "Coral Reef". Brie was able to send me a quick image of her sporting the jewel. Stunning. Brie, darling, I can't wait to see more images of you.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen



..Inner Peace & Inner Happiness through Meditation..

Gypsy Gems,

I just got home from Guided Meditation, and I feel absolutely wonderful. Meditation is something I discovered recently almost by accident. I was attending a salad potluck at a local social centre when I was asked if I would join the guided meditation held later in the evening. Being at the right place at the right time and having an open mind, I decided to give it a try and I have been hooked ever since.

Mediation brings clarity. Meditation brings tranquility.

I have a day job that often turns into a night job and even spills over onto weekends. I am involved in various professional, social and community activities. I often feel overwhelmed and barely have a chance to catch my breath. Meditation allows me to slow down, take a moment and concentrate on nothing else but my breathing. Meditation allows me to connect with myself, and listen to my body while clearing my head.

For those of you who haven't tried it, or think meditation is complete hocus pocus. I was once like you. You too will have a change of heart once you try it.

“When we speak of meditation, it is important for you to know that this is not some weird cryptic activity, as our popular culture might have it. It does not involve becoming some kind of zombie, vegetable, self-absorbed narcissist, navel gazer, “space cadet,” cultist, devotee, mystic, or Eastern philosopher. Meditation is simply about being yourself and knowing something about who that is. It is about coming to realize that you are on a path whether you like it or not, namely, the path that is your life. Meditation may help us see that this path we call our life has direction; that it is always unfolding, moment by moment; and that what happens now, in this moment, influences what happens next.” - Joe Kabat -Zinn

Also related... tonight I gifted the Gypsy Jewel "Tranquillity" to my instructor, Patrice. Tranquillity is a Pendant of multiple feathers of earthy browns, grays and white. The pendant has a charm of a silver peace sign and was placed on a long silver chain. Patrice was gracious to accept the gift.

Today was a beautiful day. Namaste.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen



.. Raccoon Hollywood..

..Stef..TwentyFour..Student by Day, Lover by Night..Halifax, Nova Scotia..



Gypsy Gems,

I had an incredible gifting encounter this evening that I am so excited to tell you about. 

I gifted "Fleur-de-Lis", a gypsy jewel with orange, black and white feathers and gem infested fleur-de-lis charm. The jewel found its way into the hands of a beautiful Nova Scotia Native, Danna.

So how did the gem get into the hands of this Nova Scotian? Funny you should ask... 

My lovely lady friend, Diana, was stopped on the streets of Halifax and commended for her street style by being featured in the blog youlookfiiine.com. Shortly after my friend Matt, was also featured. After seeing my friends featured - I was hooked. I am now an avid follower of the blog.

So where does Danna come into play...? Danna is the beautiful face behind the blog. 

I contacted Danna (whom I have never met) this week to see if she would be willing to participate in the project. We instantly had a connection. I was overwhelmed with her enthusiasm and support and excited that she didn't think I was bizarre (like so many other strangers I have encountered for the purposes of this project). We chatted on a cold fall Halifax street about travel, fashion and blogs. 

Danna, girl. You are a gem. I can't wait to see the photos you come up with.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen



..A Quote worth Quote-ing..

..How people treat you is their Karma; how you react is yours..

- Wayne Dyer




..Chris..TwentyOne..Sales Associate..Moncton, New Brunswick...


..My Gypsy Jewels are world Travellers..

Gypsy Gems,

My jewels have either travelled or are on their way to the following locales:
  • Amherst, Nova Scotia*
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Calgary, Alberta
  • Caracas, Venezuela
  • Charlottetown, PEI
  • Dartmouth, Nova Scotia*
  • Dundas, Ontario
  • Fredricton, New Brunswick
  • Gaborone, Botswana
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia*
  • Kingston, Ontario*
  • Labrador, Australia
  • London, England*
  • Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
  • Madrid, Spain*
  • Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia 
  • Milan, Italy
  • Montreal, Quebec*
  • Moncton, New Brunswick*
  • Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
  • New York, New York
  • North Carolina, USA
  • Oakville, Ontario
  • Paris, France
  • Prince George, British Columbia
  • Raumati South, New Zealand
  • Sackville, New Brunswick
  • Saint John, New Brunswick
  • San Francisco, California
  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Tofino, British Columbia
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Toronto, Ontario* 
  • Vancouver, British Columbia*
  • Victoria, British Columbia

This is overwhelming, pretty remarkable actually. I gifted my first gypsy jewel September 5, 2011 and today, 2 months later, my jewels have travelled to 6 continents, 13 countries, and 36 cities/towns. Maybe your locale will be next...

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen

The star (*) denotes that more than one gypsy jewel has been gifted in that location. 


..Ten Things About Me..

Gypsy Gems,

I am getting a sense that many of you want to know more about the girl behind the Gypsy Karma Project. So I thought I would share ten things about me: 

(1) I have the traveler's itch. I constantly have a need to travel.

(2) I suffer from second hand embarrassment.

(3) I am 25 and I feel silly in heels.

(4) I refuse to share my taste in music, because I know that my musical pallet is immature.

(5) I have a weird obsession with the Olsen Twins. It started at a young age and I just never grew out of it.

(6) I can speak two languages: English and Arabic.

(7) I make wishes on stars.

(8) I collect vintage silk scarves.

(9) I laugh at my own jokes. I really do think I am funny.

(10) I want to change the world just so I can attend TED.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen
