
..Gifting Encounter at House Show..

Gypsy Gems,

Yes folks, you read that correctly. I said "house show". Lately there have been a ton of house parties around town, that debut live music in the courtesy of the resident's living room.

I was invited to one on Friday evening - and I absolutely could not turn down this invite. I put on my leather pants, rounded up a few friends and we headed to a house, not far from my apartment.

We walked into a crowded home that reeked of sweat and booze. Surprisingly I was quickly immune to that smell - and I was able to enjoy the heavy music. Even though punk rock isn't really my scene; there is something about live music that makes me appreciate all kinds of music. When I can see and taste the soul right in front of me, it’s hard for me not to appreciate it.

Okay, so now that I have set the tone for the evening, I will get to the juicy, my gifting encounter. Usually my stories are of encounters where people are gracious, and welcoming. Well this one doesn't exactly align with those stories.

I approached a beautiful girl, with interesting style. She had thick rimmed glasses, stretched ears, dark hair and fair skin. I explained my social experiment to her and gifted her "Planet Organic" - one of my favourite earrings (am I aloud to have favourites?!). Planet Organic has 3 feathers - one long orange feather, two brown and white striped feathers and a black and white polka dot feather with a long gold chain and beautiful flower charm.

She seemed a bit awkward, perhaps she didn't know how to receive a random act of kindness. Perhaps I made her uncomfortable. I asked if I should continue on my way, or if she didn't want to receive the gift. She responded with "I probably won't wear the earring, but thank you", and took the earring, anyway.

I don't know if I created a moment for this beauty - but I do know that she needed "a moment". Those who don't know how to receive a gift, are those who are in need of a gift the most.

Until Next Time,

Much Love.

<3 Your GypsyQueen


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